06 April 2024

Prevention and treatment of congenital syphilis

The Silent Transmission from Mother to Child

Congenital syphilis, in which the infection is transmitted from mother to foetus, is showing a worrying increase. This transmission can lead to serious, sometimes fatal abnormalities or miscarriage.

The Importance of early STD testing during pregnancy

Pregnancy testing for STIs, including syphilis, is crucial for preventing congenital transmission. Infectiologists stress the need for regular screening for all pregnant women to prevent possible transmission.

Consequences of congenital syphilis

The consequences of congenital syphilis are serious and stress the importance of prevention and early treatment. Infectiologists at UZ Gent explain how congenital syphilis can cause serious abnormalities and health problems for the child.

Strategies for prevention and treatment

Preventive measures and treatment options for pregnant women with syphilis are discussed, with a focus on reducing the risk of congenital transmission. UZ Gent recommends comprehensive care and cooperation between health professionals to protect the health of both mother and child.